Saturday, September 26, 2009


Welcome To antibiotics
Consumers have long been exposed to antibiotics in meat and milk. Now, new research shows that they also may be ingesting them from vegetables, even ones grown on organic farms. a test to identify the properties of such treatments. A biochemist, Dr Cartwright was originally an academic, researching antibiotics at Oxford University. Drawn to homeopathy by a chance conversation, he qualified as a homeopath, then left academia in Your Podscope hits are at 16:02 and 16:16 President Obama loosened restrictions on stem-cell research this week and mandated that science should inform policy. Nobel laureate Peter Agre offers insights on how scientists can guide smart policy decisions, how to engage the public on science and what science could do for diplomacy abroad.

Author: PowerinNumbers2012
Keywords: Drugs Meat Livestock truth 9/11 socialism new world order freedom Illuminati bush neocon cash bailout congress alex jones prisonplanet infowars wall street news war cnn fox msnbc cfr fascism business economics Obama protest washington impeachment stock exchange dollar collapse banks banned peace brown miliband meltdown police state terror politics big brother global elite royal family bilderberg cctv wearechange vote vaccines tabloid martial law Nufffrespect Ahmenra2012
Added: July 30, 2009

Tags: antibiotics

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