Monday, September 7, 2009


Welcome To covera
Many of you know that of late I have been playing around with a fun little feature on my blog. Book Cover a la Vania is my way of exploring and having fun with Photoshop and yet tying that in with my passion with photography . Recently I have been approached to do some minor projects from authors like Michelle Zink who asked me to do bookmarks and postcards for her Word Ninja and tour swag. It has come to my attention that maybe many either have a hard time making them or just don't know whe Escape the pitch-reject trap and take pitching prowess (and media hits) to a higher level. In just 90 information-packed minutes, attendees can learn how to break through all the deadlines, newsroom pressures and social media white noise competing for WOW! It's been a while since I've done this. I hope I get lots of entries this time again. I know I have been majorly slacking with this but I think it's mostly because I need new pictures and because I was busy with the trailer. Anyways for those new to this feature here's how it works. The Rules are: Well I design a cover and post it on Saturday . You write a synopsis and leave it in the comment. The best synopsis gets to be on the back cover design that I will post Friday or later, be

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